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April Vacation Camp

Learn something new every day! Guest Teachers join DA staff each day for a fun, dramatic and theatrical week. From puppetry to clowning, there’s something for everyone this April.  Students enrolling in the full week will attend class every day from 10am-3pm.  Class will be held at 51A Main Street in Bangor, ME.  

Daily Topics!

Monday 4/21: Puppetry with Ryan Jackson

Tuesday 4/22: Makeup Design with Ben Layman & Costume Design with Caitlyn Collins

Wednesday 4/23: Clowning with Andrew Silver

Thursday 4/24: Musical Theater with Anna Kemble

Friday 4/25: Improv with Jen Shepard/Larrance Fingerhut & Movement with Kacie Gerow


Payment plans available upon request.  Please email education@penobscottheatre.org for more information.


4/21 - 4/25


10am - 3pm


Grades 2-8

